Sunday, May 1, 2016

Dumb and Dumber!

Attorney General Loretta Lynch is now demanding that North Carolina let men use women’s restrooms, claiming that failure to do so somehow violates federal civil rights laws. She announced that she will start  a federal civil rights lawsuit over the matter and further threatened to withhold certain federal funds from the state.


  1. Apparently you got every GOP lackey's dream. Dotard Trump for presnit.

  2. Every time that I visit that HORRIFIC Progressive bog, I read where the author of the distasteful, and disgusting blog wishes one way, or another for our President Donald Trump not only to lose the up coming election but for him to FAIL at his efforts and his agenda!
    And when it comes to the coronavirus pandemic she is constantly hoping for him to fail or is cheering about any bad news or negatively that impacts President Trump!
    As we ALL know, or should know Trump is not the cause of the epidemic in this country or around the world. We should be praying for him and his administration, and his team, as well as the medical staff that is working with him, and praying for him to succeed. We should be hoping that the decisions that they are making, and the decisions of a lot of other people too, are going to help our country turn the corner of this terrible thing that has effected our country..

    For example, her latest headline is “As death toll mounts, Trump brags that his tv ratings are as big as The Bachelor.”
    And yesterdays headline was “Trump: A Malignant Narcissist and Liar in a National Crisis”

    I've seen it more than a few times on her blog, where she has written about those negative quotes from celebrities, news pundits, politicians, and others who unfortunately write those false, and Fake stories, and disgusting comments on her blog as well.. She and her readers are constantly hoping that he messes up, hoping the infection numbers rise so that it makes him look bad, hoping that the virus sinks his presidency or/and sinks the economy so that is hurts his re-election. And this is not right in my personal opinion, it's wrong, it's amoral, it’s un-American, un-patriotic, and it’s PATHETIC . We as a nation should be rooting for his, and for his administration's success when it comes to this crisis, because it will also be our success too. If there are failures or troubles then we should be praying for guidance and hoping for good things from those failures and troubles, but we should not be cheering or happy because of those failures, neither quietly or loudly, and certainly NOT to be happy about it in my opinion. I think most people don't have this mindset, but if you do then I would ask that you step back and reconsider your position and what it is that you are wanting to happen or hoping will happen.

    Thankfully, the vast majority of Americans are not doing this. Its just the Progressive left, and and these awful people in the media who are doing this. A small but vocal group who care about one thing. And that’s to get rid of the Orange guy who dared to defeat Hillary Clinton, and kept her from her lifetime dream of becoming the first female president of the United States of America,
